Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday of the Time Change . . .

I accomplished good things today. It's going to be a busy week. Not pleased about a little rubbish published in the Daily Oklahoma today. The "newspaper" WAS voted the worst rag in America several years ago by the Columbia School of Journalism. The Oklahoman's biased bent is commonly accepted in this state; however, that knowledge did nothing to diminish my anger today when a reporter got on my father's ass. So there you have it! Daily Oklahoman, you're a rag. Next time you want to get on my dad's ass, spell his name correctly! Everyone noticed it. What a sad commentary as to RJ's astute reporting skills; however, par it happened to be. More on the particular family drama that made the news later. I love Twitter. Everyone's talking about Twitter . . . . I know, I know. But if you haven't tried it, you must. There are some fantastic people in this world just waiting to be met. I am shocked at how much I have in common with so many. And happily, I tell you that many are Chi lovers who tweet. ; ) I will be updating the Jar tomorrow by adding Twitter friends to my blogroll! Carlos Lorenzo is one "twiend" and his site is BarcelonaPhotoBlog, already added to the roll. His photos are fantastic, they make me happy and he's a good writer. We can all use extra happy these days, so go visit Carlos' photoblog! Since we are choosing a new president this week, I am linking this video from MachoSauceProduction on YouTube and I am BEGGING all of you to view it. http// This guy is spectacular, has a handle on the issues and is one of the most articulate commentators this election season I've yet to see. Some of you will love it, some will hate it - but the kid shoots straight and that was quite refreshing today!
My eyes are heavy because it's "really" midnight . . . Have a wonderful evening.