Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy NaBloPoMo!!

Since I'm going to have my ass at my desk for the entire month of November for NaNoWriMo . . I thought why not just tackle National Blog Posting Month as well. How difficult can it be to post once daily for one month? If you're interested in participating, you can set your account up here

It will go one of two ways: you will watch me accomplish a great deal or fall apart "write" here in the Jar. A word to my Tweeps, bear with me guys if I'm not around so much this month!!

Gotta go. I'm listening to "Westside Story" while I write and the boys are getting ready to rumble!! "When you're a Jet . . . . ." you know the rest!

In any event, the word of the day is "quotidian" which just happens to be one of my favorites!!
