Monday, November 3, 2008

The Eleventh Hour . . .

Odd how current election events have manifested. People appear jittery, off kilter - everyone demanding that their side be heard: NOW! Politics flew on Twitter today and most certainly will again tomorrow. One gentleman expressed hope that everyone would vote early and go immediately home, "it's going to be bad no matter what happens." Are we in danger? Have things gotten that bad? My children asked me to explain socialism to them this evening. That was a difficult conversation to have with them on a variety of levels. They "heard" about it in school. They asked how people could say bad things about Todd and Sarah Palin's baby. They are asking the "right" questions - but they are too young in my heart to worry about the presidency. And worry is what I saw in their faces. Worry. Sixteen and twelve years old and they are fearful over the leadership of their country. They are nervous about how we will behave when it's over. Mine can't be the only fearful children on the eve of this most historic election. How sad for them. How sad for us.