Friday, November 7, 2008

It was too much . . . (for me)

I missed two days posting NaBlo . . . but I have been very busy doing other writing. (NaNO and for BellaOnline). Mickey got sick, daughter was ill, we had an election . . . busy week all the way around. I am quite upset at the sniping going on post election. Palin's getting dissed by aides, Berlusconi's getting dissed over his "tan" comment. Obama dissed Nancy Reagan (brave man, brave, brave man b/c Nancy is one woman I would not want to piss off, I don't care how old she is). Apparently, O got his stories mixed up anyway. My suggestion is for everyone, please, please just calm down. Really, the sandbox is big enough for all of us to play in. : -)

Fun things coming tomorrow!! ciao!