Monday, November 10, 2008

I suck . . . it's all I can say . . .

I admit it is more difficult to keep up with this than I originally believed given what I have on my plate this month. In any event, I continue to bust ass on NaNoWriMo while NaBlo has gone to the dogs. I won't be pissy about it, there is plenty over which to fret besides the Jar at this point. Working on post election articles. My daughter advises the lack of sophistication at her high school over the election is becoming less than tolerable. No need to go there, but apparently a few believe the fact that O has been elected qualifies them to jump places in the lunch line, while others are overtly hostile towards the PrezElect. My niece reports similar behavior at her high school in a state far, far away. Here's hoping things improve - and quickly. I wonder what these kids are hearing from their parents.

Have a wonderful evening. ciao!