Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! It was a wonderful evening on which to end a rather odd week. Life is funny. I saw the movie "Eagle Eye" this evening and it freaked me out . . . in a whole "video killed the radio star" kind of way. I wonder how how realistic it was?! Best place to hide is in the wide open, baby!

Even now we're warned of terrorism on Twitter. "Twerrorism" (ok. . . I'm tired)

Halloween's my favorite holiday and I'll be sad to put away my scary things until next year. Will handle the blog situation as well as YaHoo tomorrow. Will begin review of "Returning to My Mother's House" by Gail Straub. Working on article for on the dead women of Juarez. Our country should be ashamed of the way we continue to fail Mexico. Beautiful country. Beautiful people. Hundreds of dead women and girls.

I am ready for election to take place so that we can all get on with our lives . . . it's scaring the hell out of some of my students. No matter which way it goes, we've got strange days ahead.

oh . . . candy's unattended on the kitchen counter, gotta go! ciao!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Spooky Jack Night!

I accomplished small tasks today and did a lot of research. Will begin reading Gail Straub's book tomorrow for my BellaOnline review. Tomorrow will be an odd day for my family - thirteen, fourteen years in the coming - and it was heavy this Monday. I'm ready for it; however, and only one result will be acceptable.

It was "Spooky Jack" night tonight. My baby girl (only a baby in my heart for quite sometime now) could not say Jack O'Lantern when she was small . . . We haven't had a jacko'lantern in our house since . . .
When they finished, they wanted me to judge whose carving I think is the best. I never judge the Spooky Jacks and every damn year they want them judged. (we're a competitive family, sick competitive, as in no one wants to play games with anyone in my entire family kind of competitive). This year I broke weak. The boy wins for for scariest "looks like Leatherhead" spooky jack and sis wins for scariest "looks like Chester, the child molester" spooky jack.
You can figure out which is which!
We also roasted the pumpkin seeds and I got to listen to them call me Martha Stewart all night. Feel the love people . . . feel the love. Picture kind of sucks . . . the dog was freaking and we were laughing at him.

To All of You On Palin's Ass Over Her Wardrobe

one more thing while it's on my mind . . .

PLEASE get off of Sarah Palin's ass over her wardrobe. Regardless of how you feel about her, none of us want a VP who dresses like Joe the Plumber. It's old. It's actually quite gender offensive as well. What are the men spending on their suits and what the hell are their wives wearing? We like to say we want our leaders to "be one of us" (so they bend over backwards blowing that smoke up our asses) but if the President or the Vice President ever got caught in public looking like I do when I drop my kid off at school or like you do when you drop yours off or got caught at the end of season sale at the mall, that'd make them just a little too human for my taste. bleh.

I don't even like knowing they go to the bathroom like the rest of us or get meat caught in their teeth . . .

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ciao WordPress!

Maybe it's just me. With this blog, I bid farewell to WordPress. I've wasted weeks. Bought the books, cried, prayed - to no avail. Learned a long time ago that if something's exceedingly difficult, do something else. I've heard fantastic and horrible things about the platform. Forget it. Hell. I'll jack with YaHoo tomorrow.

And so begins my track into the Net. Hope it's not a sign. I'm tired.