Monday, October 27, 2008

To All of You On Palin's Ass Over Her Wardrobe

one more thing while it's on my mind . . .

PLEASE get off of Sarah Palin's ass over her wardrobe. Regardless of how you feel about her, none of us want a VP who dresses like Joe the Plumber. It's old. It's actually quite gender offensive as well. What are the men spending on their suits and what the hell are their wives wearing? We like to say we want our leaders to "be one of us" (so they bend over backwards blowing that smoke up our asses) but if the President or the Vice President ever got caught in public looking like I do when I drop my kid off at school or like you do when you drop yours off or got caught at the end of season sale at the mall, that'd make them just a little too human for my taste. bleh.

I don't even like knowing they go to the bathroom like the rest of us or get meat caught in their teeth . . .