Sunday, September 8, 2013

...a toothy and timely smile from Baby J and Chase

how great is this? a treasure from the sea thru a phone to me from the ones i love. 
Shark smile from Baby J and Chase!!! Made my day. xo, g

Saturday, September 7, 2013

t'is only a practice iPhone post . . .

test post from the iPhone using the Blogger app . . . because I'm an app whore now . . . and because I need a break from briefing cases. 

Hell. Let's try a pic as well, while we're at it. My office building housed prostitutes back in the day. Now, lawyers are in some of it. Below is an original "picture" window showcasing a super cool whore collage with stuff from the old days when the trade was regulated here.  I love my building and the people I work with in it. 

Hope you're happy where you work and with the company you keep there as well!! xo, g

Monday, September 2, 2013

please don't throat punch my totems . . .


Hannah Montana wasn’t real.  "She" was a Disney character played by a real girl.
It’s difficult watching our childhood totems behave in a way that doesn’t conjure the fuzzy memories we’ve vested in them. Even more so watching our children’s totems do the same.  Miley Cyrus is an adult and Hannah Montana was a character she played as a child.  The responsibility for whatever you or your daughter might be feeling about her VMA performance isn’t on her – it’s on you.  You may not have enjoyed it.  It might not have been your flavor.  But to lay on the young woman’s shoulders the pressure of having tossed your kid out of her comfort zone (and you out of yours) is ridiculous and infantilizing.  You should be ashamed of yourself. You have too much time on your hands and your coping mechanism has a serious screw loose.  People like you scare me – you who jump and judge incrementally – you cause harm. 
Miley Cyrus has a family to jump her if she needs jumping – the rest of you (including you, foam finger dude) need to leave her alone.  The criticism of her performance was cruel – criticism does not have to be cruel. She’s young and finding her way - no need to be hateful.
My baby girl loved Hannah Montana.  We watched a lot of Hannah Montana at our house and though I have not asked her yet what she thinks of all the fuss –  when I do,  I’m certain she’ll say she likes the “old” Miley better but that the entertainer is entitled to live her life as she pleases and everyone should STFU about it.  My Hannah Montana loving baby girl is in college, married to a Marine and facing the second deployment of this much loved young man.  If I could beat up on Miley Cyrus for causing my kid’s worry – trust and believe I’d throat punch her along with the rest of you – but at some point over the next several months, my girl and I will curl up on the couch, lace fingers, eat whatever we feel like eating and watch Hannah Montana.  We will time travel and things will feel for a brief moment exactly as they did when she slept safely in her mother’s house – away from adult things and grown-up worry.  This is the magic and the reprieve of our totems and I’ll be damned if I burn one of my daughter’s – and through her – one of my own.